Web Page Design charges

This is the bit that you have to pay for, and unfortunately, you will need to add vat at the current rate to all charges shown below.

Annual Charges

For having a site hosted by us£25.00
For Annual Maintenance of the site£115.00

Web Design One Off Charges

First Page including indexing£115.00
Subsequent pages£99.00
Gateway pages£45.00
Page Counters£25.00
Form Scripts£99.00
Password Scripts£45.00
Password Change Scripts£45.00
Regular Alterations - per line£00.50
Bulletin Boards£125.00
Chat Room Script£155.00
E-Commerce script including page design - in the region of£350.00
Departmentalised E-Commerce script including page design - in the region of£450.00

Web Access costs

Domain Registration and nominal web space£30.00
Domain Registration, 300mb web space and Dialup account & Secure Server£108.00
Domain Registration, 500mb web space and Dialup account & Secure Server£219.00

What does all that mean

Web site hosting by us, is the provision of web space on the 'net', no matter how much space you occupy within reason. If you take this service, you do not need any of the Web Access list of costs other than a dialup account to receive e-mail.

The service charge is for normal tinkering about with the site, and re-indexing from time to time in order to keep it's 'presence' as high as we can on net searches.

A page represents an A4 sized printout, and includes all the work needed to put it together including scanning, cartoon graphics, composition etc. There is a higher charge for the first page because we have to spend some time on the internet, telling the major search engines that your site has arrived in order for it to be found by the public.

Regular alterations refer to sites where new information has to be updated on a regular and ongoing basis, and like all costs shown is indicative rather than specific in nature, which means that this represents the maximum that will be charged. For instance, where material is common to pages like a footer, it will probably not be counted twice for page size measurement purposes.

We work on the basis that what you don't like, you don't have to pay for, and you will also have a listing on our Domain Index Page which will attract some indirect - or passing traffic. We place a hidden counter on your 'Home Page' whose output can be read on the statistics page which is accessible by hitting the '*' at the bottom of the Index. You will see your count on the list against your company's abreviated title on the left, and a month by month total of hits scored.

All prices are subject to VAT, and reviewed on January 1st each year.

If your site is hosted by us, your web site address would be something like: http://www.ldb.co.uk/yourcompany(or product)name.htm. Having a site hosted means that you save the cost of paying for your own domain registration, plus internet fees, plus the purchase of commercial web space, all three of which normally add up to about £140.00 for the minimum of 5mg web space. Here you pay just £25 per year. If you have already registered a domain, or still want your own domain, we can still do your web design work for you, and the charges are just the same as above except that you save the £25 per year annual hosting fee.

If you are going to transact business over the web with Access or MasterCard or whatever, you will need a Secure Server with a Digital Certificate. You will have to have your own Domain for this purpose.

Outsourced Hosting

If you select to register a domain, then we currently use ClaraNet as an Internet Service provider, who register the domain, host the web site, and provide domain email for you at the packaged prices above. Domain email is <anything>@yourdomain.co.uk, and you also get 50 private pop boxes as well, according to the package which you purchase. Pop boxes are private email addresses which you can designate with their own passwords for individuals on your staff etc....

Having acquired the standard hosting package at £108.00, you need to set your system to receive and send email. To do this:-

Windows XP:
From your desk-top, go to Start/Control Panel/Network Connections. Then from that page go to Create a New Connection which will bring up the inevitable wizzard. Type next, Connect to the Internet, Set up Connection Manually. Then select your modem type which will normally be either a dial-up modem, or always-on broadband. Next page, ISP name ClaraNet, phone number 08451264000, User Name and password, which we will advise, and there you have it, but not quite done as we have to set up your Outlook Express to get the emails in.

Go to your Outlook Express, or whatever email agent you are using. Look for Tools/Accounts, and from the Mail tab - select Add/Mail. Display Name your name, Email address postmaster@yourdomain.co.uk. Type next. Incoming mail (POP3) server pop.yourdomain.co.uk, Outgoing mail (SMTP) server relay.yourdomain.co.uk, Account name and password which we will advise. Finish. Now go back in to Tools/Accounts and for the Mail tab, highlight the new email connection which you have made, and then hit the right hand button which says, Set as default. Done, sorted, go back to sleep, all is well.

How do you get in touch with us

By telephone or fax, numbers at the bottom of the page, or via the Message Box,
or by E-Mail to:

Lichfield Data Base
119 Beacon Street, Lichfield, Staffs WS13 7BG
Tel/Fax: 01543 254494

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Effective from: January 1st, 2007.
This Page address: http://www.ldb.co.uk/ldb/charges.htm
Published by:  Lichfield Web Design