| Company
| Telephone
| Fax
| Service
| Deborah Baker-Thomas
| Hawthornes Research
| 01543 308620
| 01543 308622
| Market Research & Dev
| Pam Beale
| Mission Accomplished
| 01543 250953
| Lifestyle Management
| Phillip Bennion
| RP Bennion
| 01827 373274
| 01827 373633
| Farming & MP
| Chris Birch
| 01543 301199
| Chief Executive
| Sandra Booth
| Staffordshire University
| 01785 353808
| 01785 353551
| Ed. & Business Development
| Warren Bradley
| HR Performance Solutions
| 01543 472747
| 01543 472747
| Personnel Management
| Tony Cadwallader
| Lichfield Web Design
| 01543 254494
| 01543 254494
| Web Design & E-Commerce
| Andy Daniel
| Longdon Mangement
| 01543 491169
| Financial & Grant Consultant
| Phil Davis
| Lichfield Festival
| 01543 306272
| 01543 306274
| Int Arts Festival
| Bill Douthwaite
| Horizon Consultancy
| 01283 840053
| Profit Improvement
| Chris Edwards
| CT Edwards
| 01543 263915
| 01543 263915
| Accountancy
| Tim Hewit
| Lichfield Mercury
| 01543 256501
| 01827 848640
| Newspaper Publishers
| Peter Jackson
| 01543 480682
| Pensions Advisor
| Andy Laverick
| Cosmic IT Solutions
| 0870 7456280
| 0870 1364910
| IT Solutions
| Anne Marsh
| Barclays Bank Plc
| 01827 273114
| 01827 414137
| Business Banker
| Tony O'Leary
| ET Associates
| 01543 410277
| 01543 418251
| Property Agent
| Jeff Oldham
| Edward Jones
| 01543 256722
| 01543 256681
| Stockbroker, IFA
| Keith Peace
| 01543 264344
| Market Research
| Roger Perks
| Tracer Components
| 01827 259112
| 01827 288625
| Electronics
| Peter Ross
| LD Council
| 01543 308000
| 01543 250673
| District Council
| Alan Shaw
| Carshaw Consultants
| 01889 584147
| 01889 585416
| Management Consultants
| Paul Stratton
| Staffs Project Services
| 01543 255278
| Management Consultants
| Tom Walton
| Crusader Abrasives
| 01543 263632
| 01543 415787
| Ed. & Business Development
| Peter Wheeler
| Management Solutions
| 01543 317986
| 01543 317986
| Prod & Comm Analysis
| Peter Wilkins
| 01543 514603
| 01543 514699
| Banking Advisor
| Alan Williams
| Norton Canes BM
| 01543 270800
| 01543 270151
| Bathrooms Plumb & Heating
| Mark Williams
| NatWest Bank
| 0121 2537142
| 0121 3541162
| Business Banker
| Liz Wilson
| Columbus Coaching
| 01543 304267
| 01543 304267
| Life & Bus Coaching
| Bill Young
| Straight Talk
| 01543 417800
| 01543 300933
| Training & Tuition
| Associated Clubs
| Margaret Croft
| Rugeley
| Business Club
| Sue Hall
| Burton
| 01283 566441
| 01823 565873
| Business Club
| Alan Jones
| Walsall
| 0121 3536400
| Business Club
| Rika Meynell
| Prince's Trust
| 01889 586222
| Business Division
| Lolita Sena
| Central UK
| 01785 812895
| Export Club
| Sylvia Smith
| Lichfield
| 01543 308612
| 01543 308611
| Chamber of Commerce
Extended Entries
Carshaw Consultants: 4 Hutchinson Close, Rugeley, Staffs. Tel: 01889 584147
Alan Shaw - Carshaw's focus is to help people in all types of organisation to improve their personal effectiveness, resulting in better efficiency, productivity
and profitability of their organisation. Working with a wide range of survey instruments, improvements typically are in areas of professional selling, teamwork, problem solving, customer care, personal development and interpersonal skills. More information by E-Mail available at: carshaw@clara.co.uk.
CT Edwards, Certified Accountant: 26 Darnford Moors, Lichfield, Staffs, WS14 9RL. Tel: 01543 263915
Chris Edwards, registered auditor, provides a full range of audit and
accountancy services for the family business including management accounts
on a regular basis. Provision of taxation services for both businesses and
individuals.More information by E-Mail available at: C.T.Edwards@ntlworld.com
Ann Doughty: Staffordshire University, College Road, Stoke on Trent, Staffs, ST4 2DE. Tel: 01785 226598
Ann Doughty is Director of Curriculum Development for colleges and schools. More information by E-Mail available at:
Hawthorne Research: Staffordshire University, Lichfield Campus, the Friary, Lichfield, Staffs, WS13 6QG. Tel: 01543 308620
Debora Thomas provides a market research and business development
consultancy. Client sectors include: energy & fuel, insurance,
contracting, engineering, environmental, professional services,
automotive. Expertise in: Industrial & commercial, UK specialisation,
European market entry studies, image and awareness, customer satisfaction,
and need identification, new product development, marketing database and
contact development. hawthornes@lichfield.biz
Lichfield Web Design: 119 Beacon Street, Lichfield, Staffs, WS13 7BG. Tel: 01543 254494
Tony Cadwallader provides a Web Page Design and hosting service to small and medium size businesses. He specialises in e-commerce and dynamicly active web pages, and is a perl programmer. His background is in Accountancy and as such is a small business advisor to a number of local companies including credit control, marketing, product development, insurance and pensions advice, payroll, business aquisitions and formations, business startup advice, and financial help. More information available at:
Lichfield Web Design
Longdon Management: 115 Church Way, Longdon, Rugeley, Staffs, WS15 4PG. Tel: 01543 491169
Andrew Daniel is a financial consultant. More information by E-Mail available at: Longdon@aol.com.
Cosmic IT Solutions: PO Box 2683 Tel: 0870 7456280
Andy Laverick is an IT Consultant and Web Designer. More information available at: Cosmic IT Solutions .
How to get your Extended Entry
Your Extended Entry may consist of up to 75 words of text, for which there
will be a small charge of £23.50, including vat, payable by cheque to Lichfield Data Base.
You may send the entry to the address which you will find at the foot of
the Domain Index Page enclosing the fee. There is no fee for committee members.
Lichfield District Business Club
80a Upper St John Street, Lichfield, Staffs WS14 9DX, England
Tel: 0044 (0)1543 410420 or Fax: 0044 (0)1543 417417
Top of Page
Last updated: October 4th, 2004.
This Page address: http://www.ldb.co.uk/ldsbc/ldsbmem.htm
Published by: Lichfield Data Base - and - Cosmic IT Solutions
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